
Hello !!!

I'm Lovelyo Yeremia

Software Engineer at Bank Raya Indonesia

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About Me

Hi, I'm Lovelyo Yeremia Mokalu. A Fresh Graduate Student at Gunadarma Univeristy. Majored in Computer Science. Started programming since i was getting into college and I joined bootcamp at college. Learned about Java Programming, Object Oriented Programming, and so on. In my 4th semester, I learned about Android Development with Flutter, and i built apps such as Alarm-ToDo List, Cats and Dogs Classifier. It keeps me going and more courius about Web Development and even Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence. I love to learn new things in software development. I have some projects that i built and you can see those here.

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What i do

Latest Projects

all web application machine learning game others

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Personal Portfolio

Category - Machine Learning


Image Processing

This website will be able to process the image that you've uploaded such as contrast, brightness, blurring, and gray-scale. Also you can detect faces and smiles, and cartoonize your image.


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